Sunday, February 3, 2013

Native Born Immigrants

Journal Entry #1

It has been quite some time since I left my beloved homeland of Greece in order to try and make my way to America, the land of opportunity. Not surprisingly, much has changed since then and I have worked a variety positions thanks to the skill set I obtained while working alongside father back home. However, acquiring these positions was by no means an easy task, as it seems everyone here is also in search of the American dream. Competition can sometimes be tough, but there are enough positions to where this can easily be avoided, that is if one knows where to look. For this reason, I have had to travel to many places throughout this country, hoping not to be turned down and have to begin yet another search for work. From these experiences I have come to learn a great deal about the "American" way and their views on a wide range of issues. For the most part, much of which they stand for and believe in is valiant and easy enough to rally behind, though there is one aspect of American culture I don't seem to fully understand. 

More specifically, the concept of race in America is extremely important as it not only seems to dictate ones opportunities, but also the way one is seen in the public eye. In fact, there have been a few occasions where I got the job over a more experienced black man simply because I had a white complexion. Here blacks seem to regarded not only as the lowest of the low in the social hierarchy, but also as human beings in general. This concept has been made clearly evident by every one of my employers attitudes towards blacks and how they speak of the "Niggers" in day to day conversations. Sadly, I feel as if America is more of my home than it is to blacks, as they are alienated in every aspect of their own society. They are looked upon with scorn and disgust as if they are a completely different species, which is even further supported with the law against interracial sexual relations.

Even so, I do not feel so compelled as to speak up for these people and risk my own chances of making money in America. I must remember, this is not my native land nor my native people and I am not here to cause trouble. If my skin is the only thing that is saving me from certain failure then so be it. I don't really have much of a choice. Whats even more troubling is the fact that I have caught myself experiencing the very same thoughts and feelings about Blacks as the Whites, though I did not originally. These racist beliefs seem to be firmly planted in American society and if one does not heed these guidelines then he too might be cast out just as the Blacks. I just hope it doesn't consume me.

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