Monday, February 18, 2013

Discipline at Naxos

Dear Helga Crane,

Firstly, I want to profusely thank you for sharing your concerns with me today.  As one of our sharpest minds and most dedicated instructors I always truly value the opportunity to hear your opinions. Hopefully, our discussion today has put you at ease – at least with regards to your most pressing concerns.  Still I wanted to write you in attempt to clarify and expand upon the reasons for running operations at Naxos as we do.

I know that you were outraged by the atmosphere we create at Naxos, and the expectations that we have of students – I most vividly recall you saying “I hate hypocrisy.  I hate cruelty to students, and to teachers who can’t fight back.”  Such sentiments are wholly noble, if not entirely accurate.  For instance, you bemoaned how “children who by some accident had been a little minute or two late would have their first meal after five hours of work and so-called education.  Discipline it was called.”  Being only twenty-three years of age, I believe you are under the influence of the overly idealistic mindset that possesses so many people of such an age.  Of course it would be wonderful if we could allow the children here to have more freedom, to explore their imaginations, and to divulge in their curiosities.  However, such an environment is wholly impossible to maintain in a school such as Naxos, where all the students come with the afflictions so common to Negroes. 

It is best for us to abide by a strict set of rules in order to install the virtues of discipline and authority into the lives of our students.  It is unfortunately, that Negro children are naturally more savage like than their white counterparts but this being the case we must pay slightly more attention to these details than white schools.  If you give the matter careful consideration I am sure you will understand, especially given your own experiences as the child of an impoverished white woman, and a black father who abandoned you. 

I am quite confident, that you will grow to understand that we are merely doing what is ultimately in the best interests of our students.  After all we are one of the top schools in the South, and many a white folk would envy the opportunity for their children to attend such a fine school.  All this being said, I’m sure it will take you some time to come around, but I very much look forward to continuing to have the pleasure of your presence at Naxos. 


Dr. Anderson 

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