Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Dear diary,

Today, Jeu Dip came by to visit, and I think he will soon ask me to be his wife. I can't tell you how excited I am to have met him. He seems like a wonderful young man. I never thought that I would find someone like him, and now I have! I think I may be falling in love. We share so many similar experiences:

they had come to America without Chinese parents and lived among Euro-Americans. Their ability to speak English, their manner of dress, their everyday practice...indicated their acculturation. At the same time, they were the only Chinese in their respective worlds and were tus marked by a double difference - different form the white people around them, different from other Chinese. 

He came here as a child just like I did. Now, he speaks English and understands American customs. It is as if we were made for each other! I never felt at place among all of the white people, although they have been kind to me. Now, I have found someone who understands me.

Oh diary, I am just so happy. He seems so smart and confident. I know that we could be happy together. We are different than other Chinese people who have just arrived in this country, but we are not fully accepted by the white world. How lucky that we have found each other to go through life together.

in a world that separated Chinese from Americans culturally, socially, and spatially. Jeu Dip and Mary McGladery recognized in each other a kindred spirit, another rare and marginal subject.

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